(Thanks to Bishop)
Page 75:
Change steps e. to h. as follows:
e. Click Close.
f. Go to Form View.
g. Re-open Object Explorer.
h. Place your curstor in a text box.
(Thanks to Bishop)
Page 140:
Step 1. Drag the country field onto the form. . .
(Thanks to Al Lenkner)
Page 107
FONT: Remove "Centered." This is set in Layout properties below:
LAYOUT: Align: Center. (Horizontal alignment was also set with the Text Toolbar.)
LAYOUT: Vertical align: Center. (Centers the text vertically within the box.)
(Thanks to William Steinberg)
Page 142:
Step 18: Change bullet to: "The field appears in uppercase in all records FOR THIS FORM ONLY. If you check the Default Browse, you will see that it has been entered in upper case. This will be true for all records from this point on. Previously entered records will maintain their original formatting."
(Thanks to Paul Zieper)
Page 203:
Labels and Fields: The same process works for the top ruler.
Step 9a. Right click on the top Ruler to see the following choices: Align Left, Right, Center and Center of Widest.
(Thanks to Al Lenkner)
Page 206:
Step 5. The expression in the library is similar to the one created in Step 4, but not exactly the same. It says Open Date instead of Starts and End Date instead of Ends. Feel free to modify it if you like.
(Thanks to Al Lenkner)
Page 214:
Step 35. Fill: Originally, it was necessary to choose "white" before defining the dynamic expression in order to keep the fill color off the design window. That is no longer necessary.
Page 220:
Step 39. Fill: Same as p. 214 above.
(Thanks to Al Lenkner)
Page 218:
Step 23. Field Properties > Tab: Setup > Expression: click the Smart Button.
(Thanks to Al Lenkner)
Page 240:
Step 16.The "FormForReport" form is missing. We apologize, but you can easily create a new one based on the clients table. Choose a few fields and add a text header. See screen shot on p. 239 and footnote on p. 240..
(Thanks to Paul Zieper)
Database and Page 255:
Step 7. Import revisions due to A5 patch after release of book. Click here for PDF corrections.
Corrects the path for Ascii and Excel Import operations in Chapter 6. The fix is in the database files in the yellow box above, but be aware that any work done to date will be overwritten.
Page 302:
Add new step above #7. Ungroup the NOTES field / label or click twice on the field object to select it for editing.
(Thanks to Paul Zieper)
Alpha Five Web Applications Made Easy, The Basics and More for V8 & V9 Platinum:
First Printing as of 1/10/09
Page 77:
Step 1. Should be open: MyMailListSecure.
(Thanks to C.K "Cliff" Monzeglio)
Page 118:
An error message appears after Step 9. This is a bug (reported to Alpha). Click OK. Step 10: Project appears.
(Thanks to Craig Hudson)
Page 130:
Step 1 (p 130) should say “Open the MyMailListSecure (or MailListSecure) web project.” The screen shot will be similar, but will not have the Directory One folder.
(Thanks to Craig Hudson)
Page 132:
Step 9. Should be open: MyMailListSecure (or MailListSecure) web project.
(Thanks to Craig Hudson)
Alpha Five Made Easy, The Basics and More for V9 Platinum
First Printing as of 12/11/08
Special thanks to Peter M. from Sweden for all of the following notes.
Pages 4 & 16:
There are 15 types of fields, not 13. All the field types are listed correctly.
Page 50:
Preparation for the Lesson: Sets: Should be seminars_browse, not seminars_rept.
Page 66 (step 47):
Parenthesis added for clarification of expression: (no_persons * rate) - amt_pd
Page 73:
There are three tabbed interfaces, not two.
Page 102 (step 9):
Add Gradiant Radial and Pattern to the listing of fills.
Page 168 (step 5), 422 (step 20), 430 (step 48):
Should be Control-Type, not Field-Type.
Page 267 (steps 25 & 26):
Existing records end with ID 00019 and new records begin with ID 00020.
Page 294 (step 1 & bullet above):
Should be RegistrationsLink report, not MyRegistrationsLink.
Page 307 (step 38):
Hover over the Notes field, not the City field.
Page 358:
The descriptions for Line 3 and Line 4 are reversed.
Page 467:
Settings for XP Themes are at View > Settings > System > Preferences.
Alpha Five Made Easy, The Basics and More for Version 8 Corrections:
First Printing as of 7/9/08
Page xi:
Step 23. Drag the following field to the empty space:
Calculated Fields: Field: Amt_Due.
(Thanks to David Gilbert)
Page 33.
Screen shot at top of page. This screen no longer appears. You will go directly to the second screen shot,
so you can delete Step 21: Click Resume.
(Thanks to Evan Vasilew)
Page 32:
Step 19. Place the cursor in the Company field of CLIENT ID # 00001. (Not Record # 00002).
(Thanks to Ronnie Underhill)
Page 124:
Top of page. Expression is missing a space between the first set of quotes. Should be “ ”
(Thanks to Evan Vasilew)
Page 177:
Step 8. Expression has an extra parenthesis – [ ) ] - at the end.
(Thanks to David Gilbert)
Chapter 12:
There is an error in terminology throughout this chapter. Firstly, the Web Application Server is now called, simply, the Application Server. More importantly, the chapter is not primarily about the server, but about “How to build web applications using Alpha Five.” The Application Server license remains the essential ingredient for putting your web application on line. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused.
(Susan Bush)
Page 186:
Step 23. Bullet should read Table: Calculated Field. Field: amt_due.
Step 24. Screen shot should read for the above field.
(Thanks to Evan Vasilew)
Page 197
Add the following step: 13A. Remove the filter (created in step 8 on page 196) before continuing.
(Thanks to Don Edwards)
Page 201
Creating a Sub-Report. After “This segment continues…,” Add: Be sure the filter created in step 8 on page 196 has been removed.
(Thanks to Don Edwards)Page 254
Important note. Should read “If the button is smaller, only a portion of it will have an image…”
(Thanks to Dave Gilbert)Page 255
Step 3. Should read “choose Sedona.jpg.”
(Thanks to Dave Gilbert)
Page 271:
Step 1. Should read: Open the clients default browse. (Not clients_query default browse.)
(Thanks to Evan Vasilew)Page 277:
Step 14. Do not click Clear Criteria at this time, but take note of that this action will remove all existing search criteria and start a new search.
(Thanks to Evan Vasilew)Page 278:
Hint. Second date in the expression should read 10/30/2002.
(Thanks to Evan Vasilew)Page 291
Bottom of page: Should read “Setup Tab: Control Type: Check Box
(Thanks to Dave Gilbert)Page 292
Hint: Remove “Checkbox True Value: T and Checkbox False Value: F.” Should be:
Checkmarked; Indented Checkmarked, Diamonds and Style.
(Thanks to Dave Gilbert)
Page 301-2:
Steps 8, 16, 17. File name should be ClientsDefaultForm. (Not ClientsDefaultFormCopy.)
(Thanks to Evan Vasilew)
Page 305
Step 30: Should read “Click CLOSE to close the Xbasic Code window.”
(Thanks to Dave Gilbert)
Page 314:
After step l: Order, add the following step: Field to return: Choose Client_id.
(Thanks to Evan Vasilew)
Page 464.
Step 3 should be: ….type C:\A5_VER~1\A4_DATA\SEM_RPT.SET
Step 9 will vary depending on the Windows version.
Instructions and Figure 7 screen shot are for Windows 98.
For XP, Click on the icon in the very upper left corner of your screen.
Figure 7 screen shot will look like this.
(Thanks to Frances Peake)
Alpha Five Made Easy, The Basics and More for Version 6 Corrections:
First Printing as of 7/9/08
Page xi:
The instructions for the installation of the companion files are for Windows 98. If you are having difficulty installing them using Windows 2000 or Windows XP, click here
(Thanks to Chris Schmink) First Printing as of 4/4/05.
Page 21:
Step 43. As of 4/4/05, there is a bug in Version 6 that requires the box "Do not store mask literals in field" be checked in order for the period to show up in the field on data entry as described in this step.
(Thanks to Bob Talbot and Tom Cone)
Pages 24:
Step 57: If a period does not appear automatically when the Middle Initial is entered, see work around for Page 21, Step 43 above. (Return to Field Rules > Middle Initial field > Data Entry. Check "Do not store mask literals in field" and then return to entering data. The period should appear.)
(Thanks to Bob Talbot and Tom Cone) Page 255: last line of Hint:
Result: Import.Run("NewClientImport) error: needs a closing quote
Should be: Import.Run("NewClientImport")
(Thanks to Jerry Duke..) Page 285:
Set-up Tab (9 lines from bottom of the page);
error is "Data" Combo Box used for the box type
Reads: Set-up Tab: Field Type: Record List-Data Combo Box
Should read: Set-up Tab: Field Type: Record List-Edit Combo Box
(Thanks to Jerry Duke..)
Page 302:
Steps 13 & 14, "Link Properties" options -
Read: Link Properties > Display what link?:
Should be: Link Properties > Display what in link?: (The "in" is missing.)
(Thanks to Jerry Duke..)
Page 328:
Deleting Temporary Files; subparagraph under para 1:
Reads: On most computers, this ... c:\Program Files\A4V6
Should be: ... c:\Program Files\A5V6
(Thanks to Jerry Duke..)
Alpha Five Made Easy, The Basics and More for Version 5 Corrections:
First Printing as of 7/9/08
Page xi – 2nd screen shot:
Please cross out “Easter Egg.” That database is not included with the Companion Files that accompany the Version 5 book.
(Thanks to: George Thompson.)
Page 22
52. (Insert above “Understanding Functions and Expressions,” after step 51.) Press CTRL+S to save the Field Rules.
53. Click Table Structure on the Toolbar.
If you had changes to make, you would make and save them at this time. 54. Click Field Rules to return.
(Thanks to George Thompson) Page 263: (Changes in blue)
Due to a recent software update, Step 5 of Compacting the Database should read:
5. Choose File > Database Compact.
- A message box opens that says: "Please wait Alpha Five is compacting the database." Depending on the size of the database and the speed of the CPU, the compact operation may take a while. Be Patient! Numbers will appear and other movement will be noticed in the status bar.
- When the process is finished a new message box will open that says: "Database compact completed."
The last part of Step 2 of Getting Rid of the $$$$$$$$$$$ was inadvertently omitted. (Changes in blue.)
2. Delete all files beginning with $$.
- If you are on a Peer-to-Peer network, all users should also check their A5V5 folders for leftover $$$.
(Thanks to Barry Rochford.)
First Printing as of 11/21/2002Page xi – 2nd screen shot:
Please cross out “Easter Egg.” That database is not included with the Companion Files that accompany the Version 5 book. Page 22
52. (Insert above “Understanding Functions and Expressions,” after step 51.) Press CTRL+S to save the Field Rules.
53. Click Table Structure on the Toolbar.
If you had changes to make, you would make and save them at this time. 54. Click Field Rules to return.
(Thanks to George Thompson)Page 24:
Step 1 - Open Field Rules for the seminars_practice table.
Right click on seminars_practice table and choose Field Rules.
Step 3 - Screen shot: Shows seminars.dbf. Should be seminars_practice.dbf. Otherwise illustration is ok.
(Thanks to K.W. Vondenstein)Page 24: Defining Lookups
Step 6 - Linking Field: Click the Smart Button to open the Expression Builder; click Create Order Using Genie; Sort by: Choose Venue_id. (Click OK Twice)
Step 7 - Display Order: Repeat Step 6 and choose Site_name from the Order Builder.
(Click OK Twice)
(Thanks to Fred W. Malmsheimer)Page 27: Entering Data
Step 1-
Open the default browse for the Seminars table for the following exercises.
Alpha Five Control Panel > Tables & Sets tab. Double click on the Seminars table.
(Thanks to George Coleman) Page 37: Creating a One-to-Many link
Step 29 - Parent Linking Field: Seminar_ID
Step 30 - Child Linking Field: Seminar_ID
(Thanks to Charlain Fondren and Fred W. Malmsheimer)Page 52:
Step 27 (c). Should read: Print, Print Preview, Print Setup.
(Thanks to Fernando Alvarez, Miami, FL)Page 65: Forms and Browses
Sometimes Alpha Five does not remember the new tab name unless you leave the entry box.
It is a bit like needing to leave the cell in a spreadsheet application for the entry to be recorded. Change the following step to read:
Step 17 - Add a new tab - Answers (Press UP ARROW after entering new name)
(Thanks to Al Kuntz, New Jersey)
Page 72:
Step 36: Order Expression: Click on the button with the up/down arrows in the Order Expression Smart Field. The Order Builder opens. The corrected screen shot should look like this: